Red Light Therapy

Why use red light therapy?

Red light therapy can support the optimization of cellular function and improve circulation throughout the body. Proper circulation is key for maintaining optimal health, ensuring that blood and oxygen continuously flow throughout the body, giving every organ a greater chance to function properly.

Other benefits can include relief from minor pain and aches in muscles and joints, improvements in skin health, sleep, mental acuity, wound healing, and much more! It is also used to help reduce oxidative stress in our cells, so much so that even damaged cells have the potential to be restored.

Red light therapy can help with many ailments including but not limited to:

  • Temporary relief of muscle pain

  • Joint Pain

  • Arthritic Pain

  • Muscle Spasms

  • Increase in local blood circulation

  • Relaxation of muscles

Schedule an appointment or feel free to hit the “Contact Us” button below to find out if red light therapy care can help you!